Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 27 - Happy New Year

Hello All!

    Well, the new year has started off to a great start here, and I hope it's the same for all of you!  It's crazy to think that it's already 2014, and I'm sure it's going to fly by.  I hit my 6-month mark this past week, which really isn't very long, but it kind of seems like it sometimes.  It helps me realize that my time out here really isn't very long, and that I need to work my hardest everyday in order to make out of this time what the Lord wants.  Anyway, I hope things are going well down south. ;)
    As I mentioned last week, this past Wednesday was transfers, and Elder Law and I are sticking around for at least another six weeks.  There were a few changes in our zone, and I'll definitely miss some of the missionaries who left, but the new ones are pretty excellent as well!  Exciting news: We actually have a car now... sort of.  Our district leader's area was a walking area last transfer, as well, and it's huge, so this transfer they got a car...that they are sharing with us!  I've actually been able to drive a couple of times, and let me tell ya, it feels nice!  Not driving for six months is an interesting experience.  I'm even doing a pretty good job with all the ice and snow. ;)
This week, we had some even more exciting happenings.  Ben and Beth were baptized on Wednesday!  There were quite a few members of the ward there, as well as a few of their friends who have been a big part of their conversion.  It was honestly one of the most spiritual baptismal services I've been to.  Elder Law and I stood as witnesses, and to see them both go down into the water just brought on the tears.  It was truly amazing, and I'm so grateful that we've had the privilege of being a part of these two incredible people's lives.  We were also able to spend a little more time with them on Sunday evening at our Ward Mission Leader's house, and they are so excited to be active in the church, especially to do family history work and bring the blessings of the gospel into the lives of their family members.  They are such fantastic examples.  (We're also hoping that we'll be able to start meeting with Ben's brother, Sam, this week as well.  Hopefully it will all go well.)
    With two investigators being baptized, our teaching pool has diminished somewhat, but that's okay, I'd say. :)  Our other investigators are doing pretty well.  We've met with Rob a couple more times, and I believe he's continuing to read and pray, though for one reason or another he hasn't made it to church since Christmas Sunday.  He did have a few concerns regarding the Plan of Salvation, specifically the Kingdoms of Glory, but I think he recognizes that what we're teaching him is true, he just has to find that out for himself.
    This week, I kind of wanted to share something that my wonderful big brother wrote to me.  (Hopefully, he doesn't mind.) He said, "Just always keep in the back of your mind that even when you think you know what you're doing, you really don't, you just get a little better at coping with being clueless. That's all experience is."  As a somewhat-but-not-really-experienced missionary, I can tell you that that is so absolutely true, and not just in the mission field.  We have to rely on the Lord if we are going to become anything of what He has meant for us to become.  We show that trust in Him as we obey Him as best we can, and as we just go out and act in faith, trusting that whatever happens, it will work out for our best.  We can be positive that He won't give us anything that won't be for our best, even if it's not the most "pleasant" thing.  
    Well, my wonderful friends and family, I love you all so much!  Have a fantastic week, and an even better new year.  Be good!  Have fun!  And always remember who you are!

Elder Hafen

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